Under Michigan law, a fiduciary relationship is defined “as a person who has a relationship in which one person is under a duty to act for the benefit of the other on matters within the scope of the relationship.” Alternatively, a fiduciary duty is like the “golden rule” and we are required to “treat others how we would like to be treated” within the scope of a professional relationship.
Read moreThe Business Divorce: Co-Owner v. Co-Owner
People do not enter a business relationship with the belief that the business will end with resentment. If you see that as a real possibility in the beginning with your business, you might want to rethink the arrangement. However, the excitement experienced when starting out may blind you from acknowledging the possibility of serious disagreements in the future. There is a likelihood that you and your co-partner/owner will need to confront difficult issues at some point and you may not always agree.
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