Sometimes monetary compensation is not enough for some losses in life. Our goodwill and the respect of our peers can take years to build, but can be lost in an instant with a simple act of revenge or malice by someone seeking to cause us harm. Fortunately, there are legal routes that allow you to swiftly fight back against someone seeking to cause you this type of harm.
Injunctive relief is a standard solution for those in danger of suffering a harmful loss or those suffering from ongoing damages. Injunctive relief is a court order for emergency situations where fast action is necessary to prevent future damage. This type of relief can either prevent an individual from doing something, or it can force an individual to do something when/if their actions will cause you some form of irreparable harm.
To achieve injunctive relief, you must prove that your rights will be injured in a way for which money damages will be inadequate, that you will suffer irreparable harm, and that you have a likelihood of success on the merits of the overall case.
Injunctive relief comes in three primary forms:
Temporary restraining orders may be available for short-term injunctive relief prior to the formal court hearing if there is a danger of immediate harm.
Preliminary injunctions prohibit or compel a party to do a specific disputed action until a final court judgment is made.
Permanent injunctions have the same effect as preliminary injunctions, but are permanent.
When a person’s actions, or lack of actions, could cause you harm that no amount of money could make up for, you need to move quickly to protect your rights. Injunctive relief comes with a heavy burden, but in some cases, it’s just what you need.