HR & Your Business

As a business it is imperative to achieve growth and productivity goals including hiring top talent and receiving the funding required to continue to grow.

Accomplishing these initiatives is often easier said than done though, because many entrepreneurs and business owners have many other responsibilities to focus on.  A recent Wall Street Journal article explicitly addressed the lack of HR practices within tech startups, but the same concerns apply to all businesses, that the bare minimum is often expended when it comes to HR because there just isn’t enough time in the day.

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Employment Law(s): Part Uno

With the start of the fiscal year fast approaching, you may be budgeting to add additional staff to your workforce.   As an employer you are not only inundated with day-to-day operations but also legal compliance – “red tape.” Below are a few federal employment law(s) you may want to keep in mind while addressing issues with your present and future staff:

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