If you operate a business, chances are potentially high that you may face a claim made by an employee at some point. This is true even if you are a diligent owner and implement reasonable company policies because some things are simply beyond your control. Fortunately, there are certain factors under your control, and our focus in this post will be the methods you can take to minimize employee claims.
Read moreWeight Discrimination in the Workplace →
Typically, when individuals think of workplace discrimination race, religion, and/or gender immediately come to mind. However, some employees are facing discrimination due to their weight. According to a recent article in Fast Company titled "The Hidden Discrimination Against Being Fat At Work":
Numerous studies have found that obese and overweight people experience all manner of discrimination at work, and much of it is perfectly legal. Some struggle to find a job at all. In recent years, employers like Victoria Hospital in Texas have explicitly stated that they won't hire anyone with a body mass index (BMI) of more than 35 (about 220 pounds for someone who is 5-foot-6), which is far from a foolproof predictor of good health.Read more