If you operate a business, chances are potentially high that you may face a claim made by an employee at some point. This is true even if you are a diligent owner and implement reasonable company policies because some things are simply beyond your control. Fortunately, there are certain factors under your control, and our focus in this post will be the methods you can take to minimize employee claims.
Read moreBusiness Must Haves: Company Handbook
It is imperative that employees have a workplace behavior policy (aka company handbook, company code of conduct, etc.). Although some of these topics may seem like common sense, an employer should still identify the following topics directly in a workplace policy:
Read moreBusiness Must Haves: Operating Agreement
If you’re a business owner, you’ve put in countless hours into building up your business and making it profitable. However, you must ensure that you have a comprehensive operating agreement because it is one of the best ways to protect your business from costly disputes to help your business stays afloat.
Basics of an Operating Agreement
An operating agreement is a document that contains many pieces of critical information regarding your business specifically your limited liability company (bylaws are the equivalent document for a corporation)….
Read moreSuper Lawyers - Rising Stars 2021
For the sixth consecutive year, Alari K. Adams was selected to the Michigan Super Lawyers Rising Stars list for the practice area(s) of: business law and labor & employment law. This honor is reserved for only 2.5% of attorneys in Michigan who exhibit excellence in practice.
Click here to view her profile (on page 49) featured in the publication.